
Say "Yes" to Health Reform

Today, we launched “Say ‘Yes’ to Health Reform” – a Web-based video campaign featuring testimonials of Americans from across the country who are supporting health reform that helps to combat our problems with chronic illness and help improve prevention, wellness and disease management.

I had the opportunity to post about these “video postcards” on the Huffington Post, and I hope this campaign generates some attention. There are more than 100 videos that have been posted to date, from people in the 17 states in which PFCD is active – and many of these videos offer interesting and touching perspectives on why we must make progress on this issue this year.

Earlier this week, I weighed in on the National Journal blog in response to a question from Marilyn Werber Serafini in reference to the debate around whether employers should be allowed to offer discounted premiums to employees for participating in (and hitting targets) for health improvement. I’d encourage you to take a look at the comments posted about this important topic.